Mike Rapier / Founder
We Serve American Industry.
"I founded this company with the belief that contractors, consultants, and trades professionals would have a concentrated effort in helping American industry grow and succeed.
Additionally, I believe that America is the greatest country on this planet and that American industry is the engine that drives the greatness in all of what we do.
I also believe we can do much more.
When I was a young boy, I remember going to Walmart & Sears to name a few, with my grandparents and seeing, “Made in USA” tags and promotional advertisements everywhere in those stores. Not anymore.
I am personally saddened by the fact that many of our goods in the USA are produced in other countries. I also understand the economic and Geopolitical factors that make cost effective production challenging here in the USA. Those are factors that myself, nor the team at RAPIER INDUSTRIES can control.
However, what we CAN control is our focus, mission, and unrelenting pursuit of partnering with American industry in their everyday needs of growth, expansion, maintenance, efficiency, and safety. All with understanding the challenges that industry faces on a daily basis.
Another reason this company was founded was the belief that the “best idea wins”. To assemble a team of like-minded individuals that can come together with a variety of ideas for what is best for not only the company, but for our customers.
I am very blessed and fortunate to have not only the personal experience of working in many areas of industry throughout my career, but that I have surrounded myself with professionals that have a deep diversity of industry experience as well and that we all understand what the mission is.
That Mission is:
Make it here. Make it now. American Made. American Jobs."

Founder | Rapier Industries